By bbs-new|2025-01-20T14:28:02+02:00November 11th, 2024|BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE MBA, EDUCATION MBA, Faculty professors, Institutional management in education, Leadership and Executive Intelligence Competencies|
By bbs-new|2025-01-20T14:26:37+02:00October 20th, 2024|EDUCATION MBA, Ethics and Academic Integrity, Ethics and Academic Integrity - edu, Faculty professors|
By bbs-new|2025-01-20T14:22:44+02:00October 15th, 2024|CREATIVE MBA, EDUCATION MBA, Faculty professors, Human Resources Management, INDE MBA, Managing Effective Teams and HRM in Education, Organization and leadership in CCIS|
By bbs-new|2025-01-20T14:23:32+02:00October 15th, 2024|CREATIVE MBA, Data Analytics and Decision Making in Education – the role of evidence-based decision making for policy and practice, EDUCATION MBA, Faculty professors|
By bbs-new|2025-01-20T14:27:27+02:00October 11th, 2024|BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE MBA, CREATIVE MBA, Data analysis and decision making, EDUCATION MBA, ENERGY MBA, Faculty professors, Game Theory and Decision Processes, Operations Management in Education|
By bbs-new|2025-02-14T15:26:02+02:00November 14th, 2023|BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT & LEADERSHIP, BUSINESS STRATEGY & DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION, Business Strategy and Innovation, Education Innovation, Entrepreneurship and EdTech, EDUCATION MBA, Faculty professors, Strategy and Business Agility|
By bbs-new|2025-02-14T15:11:49+02:00November 13th, 2023|EDUCATION MBA, Faculty professors, INDE MBA, Organization Behaviour, Organizational Behavior, Negotiation and Communication in Education - Leading, Strategy|
By bbs-new|2025-01-28T11:06:43+02:00November 13th, 2023|Business and Economics Overview of Education, EDUCATION MBA, Faculty professors, Management team|
By bbs-new|2025-01-20T14:28:33+02:00November 12th, 2023|EDUCATION MBA, Faculty professors, INDE MBA, Leadership and Personal Growth|
By bbs-new|2025-01-20T14:21:04+02:00November 12th, 2023|Career Development, Education Markets and Marketing - demand and supply for education provision, EDUCATION MBA, Entrepreneurship and Leadership, Faculty professors, Funding and fundraising for CCIS, INDE MBA, ROCA Executive MBA, The World of the General Manager and Strategic Management|
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