About me ...
Starting in 2010, Ph D. Mireille Radoi has been the General Director of the Central University Library “Carol I”, the most important institute of its kind in Romania, under the administration of the Education Ministry. Being the first woman to occupy the position, since it was founded in 1891. Engaged in myriard of research projects, LIB2LIFE being utmost remarkable; a project aiming the “Revival of Libraries and Cultural Heritage Through Advanced Technology”.
Throughout the professional career, held decision-making positions in the public and private sector: expert for the Romanian Parliament; business development manager at Saatchi & Saatchi and at Computas Romania; professor at the National Defence College; director of the National Cyber Security Incident Response Centre (CERT-RO); advisor to the Ministry of Communications and Information Societies; Romanian representative in the European Council of the Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA).
Currently professor at the University of Economic Studies in Bucharest. President of „Carol I” Foundation http://en.fundatiacarol.ro/ and creator of Strada de C’Arte http://stradadecarte.ro/, the most relevant outdoor festival of the 7 arts, which reached the X-th edition this year.
Founder and host of Club RO, a cross disciplinary, GOV-NGO and only think tank and dialogue platform with no political association, successfully running for 10 years now.
- Author, co-author and contributor to more than 60 books.
- Her expertise covers knowledge in: management, intercultural communication, negotiation
and decision making strategies. - She was keynote speaker at several relevant conferences, most prestigious being: The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) in 2015, 2016 and 2019, Annual Convention Of The International Studies Association (ISA) in 2017 and UNESCO GUNiHumanities in 2018.
Licenced in psycho-sociology and holding a Ph D in political science. - University of California San Diego awarded a double headed scholarship: FULBRIGHT & the US State Department, on US National Security Policymaking After 9/11.
- Awarded the Certificate by BUNDESNACHRICHTENDIENST.
- Awarded the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Certificate Headquarters in Ottawa Canada.
- Awarded the Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure.
- Her professional skills address a complex range of topics, from Knowledge Management and Social Comprehension to Strategic Thinking and Effective Operation.
National Intelligence Systems
This course explores economic foundations of national power, strategic applications in international politics, and competitive intelligence principles and practices.
Intelligence Management and Governance
This course explores intelligence systems, governance, and decision-making, focusing on national systems, intelligence product development, and business management applications.
Intelligence Internship
The internship applies acquired skills to real business contexts, helping students identify issues, develop solutions, and assess competencies.